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Staten Island, NY

In the vibrant borough of Staten Island, NY, Tony, a proud homeowner, appreciated fine design and quality materials. His home was a reflection of his personality - classic, yet with a touch of modern elegance. Despite this, there was one part of his house that Tony felt could use a fresh, modern touch - the outdoor entry stairs.

Tony wanted something that would add a sophisticated look while ensuring safety and durability. His search led him to Inline Design's Fascia Mounted Square Cable Railing. Intrigued by the blend of simplicity and modern design, Tony could instantly envision it enhancing his stairs, perfectly complementing his home.

Without hesitation, Tony chose Inline Design. The purchasing process was smooth, the installation was straightforward, and the transformation was truly remarkable.

The Fascia Mounted Square Cable Railing elegantly framed the outdoor entry stairs on both sides, creating a striking visual impact. The stainless steel added a modern touch, transforming the stairs from a mere functional feature into a design statement. The cable railing not only ensured safety for Tony's family and visitors but also gave a contemporary and open feel to the entrance of his home.

Word spread throughout Staten Island about Tony’s incredible home transformation. Neighbors and friends were impressed, often asking Tony where he got the beautiful railing. Of course, Tony was more than happy to recommend Inline Design. The enhanced aesthetic appeal also increased the value of his home, making Tony's investment a profitable one.

Tony’s journey with Inline Design illustrates our commitment to offering not just a product, but a transformative experience. Just as we brought Tony's vision to life, we can do the same for you. Inline Design's Fascia Mounted Square Cable Railing combines style, safety, and durability in a package that can redefine any space it is a part of. Let us help you elevate your space, just like we did for Tony.